Get a Free iPhone 4

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Want a White iPhone 4? Tough...You've Gotta Wait!

News on the white iPhone 4 release date...

via Get a Free iPhone 4 by (iPhone 4G) on 6/15/10

Apple really knows how to create a firestorm. When it comes to their products, they are marketing masters. And once again they're proving it. The white iPhone 4 won't be available for the iPhone 4 pre-order today, and it won't be available on the 24th, which is the official iPhone 4 release date.

I myself prefer the with iPhone 4 to the black one, and from what I've been reading around on different blogs I'm not alone in my preference. For some reason I think it looks really sharp. It's hard to knock Apple for the way they do things. I mean, they are kinda successful and junk. But it is a tad frustrating that they do these kinds of things.

There's no word yet on when the white iPhone 4 will be available. I'm sure it won't be too much longer after the 24th of June. But you never know. Some how I don't think this is going to stop too many people from getting their hands on the new iPhone 4 though.

Posted via email from free-iphone-4's posterous

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