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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

iPhone 4 Smashing Sales Records

Well the other day I wrote a blurb on how the iPad sales have eclipsed 3 million. The iPhone 4 is looking to destroy that record. The sales for the new iPhone 4 hit around 1.7 million units in it’s first week! With that many iPhone 4 units sold so far, it’s looking like Apple will pocket somewhere in the neighborhood of $1.7 billion. That’s no chump change folks.

It’s not surprising that iPhone 4 sales passed the iPad. The new iPhone 4 has been anticipated by many for not just months but for a few years now. It seemed like as soon as the 3GS came out people were wondering when the new iPhone would come out. Quite a few people who had the iPhone 3G when the 3GS came out said they were going to wait until the next iPhone was going to come out. It looks like those people kept their promise to themselves.

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iPhone 4 Smashing Sales Records...

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