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Saturday, June 12, 2010

iPhone 4 Bumpers

Check out the new iPhone 4 bumpers...

via New iPhone 4 by (iPhone 4G) on 6/12/10

These are nothing like the bumpers you saw while watching Saturday morning cartoons. This is the new iPhone 4 bumper, which was revealed yesterday. They are made of a rubber and go around the iPhone 4 like a band around the edges. Apple claims that it will add a touch of style to any iPhone 4. Since the front and the back are covered in a glass plate that Apple says is made of the same kind of glass used on helicopters, covering is really only needed for the metal edge of the iPhone. I like the iPhone 4 bumpers, although I'm not too hot on the colors they've released. Anyways, here are a few pics:

Posted via email from free-iphone-4's posterous

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