Get a Free iPhone 4

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

iPhone 4 Review

Here is a iPhone 4 review, looks like its pretty nice.

via Get a Free iPhone 4 by (iPhone 4G) on 6/8/10

Well the new iPhone is finally here and it seems like it's not going to disappoint. So here's an iPhone 4 review with some of the new features:

  • First off it's going to be released on June 24th in the usual black and white cases and will be available in 16GB and 32GB. (sigh I was really hoping for a 64GB but whatever)
  • The new operating system, called iOS4, will be out June 21st.
  • It's only 9.3mm thick, which is 24% slimmer than the old one for those of you keeping track at home.
  • It's got a 5 megapixel camera with 5x zoom and it shoots HD quality video
  • It's also got the front facing camera, which is cool.
  • The sides have metal which is actually a functioning antenna system. One side has WiFi, GPS and Bluetooth. The other side has GSM and UMTS.
  • The display has improved pixel quality, with 326ppi, 330ppi is the limit for the human eye at a distance of 10 to 12 inches from the eye, so the display will be amazing.
These are just a few of the new features for the phone. More details will be coming out very soon, so stay tuned...

Posted via email from free-iphone-4's posterous

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