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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Verizon Drops Clues About iPhone Data Plans

The iPhone 4 is now being carried by Verizon, but plan information is still not known. Earlier today however, there where clues dropped on the online Apple store about the possible cost of the plans. the information was removed right away, but the fact that it showed up is making some think that these prices are legit. To find out more, click here.

Click here to find out how you could get a free iPhone 4

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Facebook Has A Phone Coming Out

So apparently Facebook as coming out with a new phone. It's going to be produced by HTC and will have some cool features. You can read more about it here.


Click here to find out how to get a free iPhone 4



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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

White iPhone 4 Being Released Soon?

People have been waiting some time now for the White iPhone 4 to be released. When the iPhone 4 was released last year, only the black model was released initially. But most people thought the white one wouldn't be far behind. Well, it's been awhile and it still hasn't been released. But there are rumors starting to swirl of the iPhone 4 white release.

There has been a rumor going around that the white iPhone 4 will be released February 27th, but it's still not confirmed. Visual evidence came from Best Buy, which you can check out here, where on the order page it stated that they will be available for purchase on the 27th. But Apple has not confirmed or denied this date.

The only thing people can do is wait, which they've been doing for quite some time now. It will be interesting, however, if Apple offers up an explanation upon the white iPhone 4s release as to why the phone took so long to come out. But somehow I doubt it.

Posted via email from free-iphone-4's posterous

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

iPod Shuffle Now Under $10

The iPod shuffle is a great little MP3 player. It's great for anyone who runs or cycles, or anyone who's on the go a lot. And now the iPod shuffle price is under $10! That's a crazy deal. Check out this article here to find out more. Here's a blurb from it:

The way people listen to music was dramatically changed when digital music came to be. And with the existence of digital music came the MP3 player. And no other company has cornered the market on MP3 players quite like Apple. With the introduction of the iPod, Apple swept all other competition under the rug and now sits alone at the top of the MP3 market. No iPod is more impressive than the shuffle. It's amazing how so much technology is packed into such a small device. Just as amazing, the iPod shuffle price is now under $10.

That is super cheap to get an iPod. Who wouldn't want a shuffle for under $10!? So if you want a cheap iPod shuffle, you gotta get on this deal!

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Friday, November 12, 2010

Excellent iPod touch review

I always like to try and give my readers as much info as I can on something. So when I came across this review of the iPod touch 4G I wanted to share it with you.

You can check out the review here. It's fairly comprehensive and not biased, which is always good when you want the downlow on something. Here's a little blurb from it:

Product perfection is next to impossible. There’s no way to please everyone, and as we all know, the minute you buy something new, something new and better has just come out. In our everlong search for perfection in anything, gadget or otherwise, the iPod Touch aims for kingship. Does it take the throne?

I'm a big fan of the new touch, I think it's probably one of Apples best products to date. But check out the review for yourself and see what you think.

If you haven't got a chance to get the new iPod touch 4G here's your chance. Click here for your chance to win 2 iPod touch 4Gs.

Posted via email from free-iphone-4's posterous

Another cool iPod nano watch band

A few weeks ago I posted a link to a cool new idea. The idea was to take the iPod Nano 6G and turn it into a wrist watch. Well it looks like there's gonna be more options.

A company called Hex has come out with their version of a wristband to turn your Nano into a wrist watch. You can check it out here. They're made form a high grade silicon and cost just under $25 bucks. They come in a bunch of great colors as well.

I love this idea! I mean, why would you want any other watch than one that plays music? It's a great idea to get just that much more use out of your Nano.

Posted via email from free-iphone-4's posterous

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Steve Jobs on the nano

Here's a video of Steve Jobs talking about the iPod nano 6G, I found it kind of interesting.

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